Christmas History
the history of christmas ornament and decoration" 115.200 24 7 5
2 "christmas tree ornament history" 49.000 7 2 0
3 "christmas tree + history + tradition" 18.000 6 2 2
4 "history + christmas cards + 1920" 9.000 3 1 0
5 "history behind christmas carols" 9.000 3 1 1
6 "history and fun facts about christmas" 9.000 3 1 1
7 "christmas eve1965today in history" 9.000 3 1 0
8 "christmas treeorigin or history" 9.000 3 1 0
9 "christmas tree ornament history japanese" 9.000 3 1 0
10 "history of christmas is coming" 8.000 4 1 2
11 "history celebration of christmas" 5.333 4 1 3
12 "history of the christmas tree top" 4.000 2 1 0
13 "history of fake christmas tree holiday, customs" 4.000 2 1 0
14 "history of consumerism in christmas" 4.000 2 1 0
15 "father christmas history" 4.000 2 1 1
16 "history of fake christmas tree" 4.000 2 1 0
17 "radio city christmas spectacular/ history" 4.000 2 1 0
18 "history of christmas colors" 4.000 2 1 1
19 "history of consumerism and christmas" 4.000 2 1 0
20 "history of we wish you a merry christmas" 4.000 2 1 0
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